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"Room Full Of Roses"
Sung By Slim Whitman
Susan's Poetry In Motion
"Room Full Of Roses" is sung here by Slim Whitman.Slim is a favorite of mine especially because I like to yodel..but that's another story.
Please enjoy the graphics and poetry...also.
From The Poetry Collection of Susan Jane Kahon
Beyond the roses, you have given..
Lies an old sin to be forgiven
The sin of loving you too much
The sin of longing, for your touch

I mask my feelings, deep inside
For the roses, make me want to hide..
The beauty of the flowers glow..
But it's your own beauty, that they show..

You stand out from all the roses, fair..
For you seem to bloom, everywhere
North, and South..East and West
I know that you're the very best..

But I don't know why the roses fade
Yet I am never that afraid..
For I do know why the roses bloom
They bloom, 'cause I'm in love with you

I guess the world goes on a rage
Whenever war is cruelly waged..
But a single rose can heal that pain..
And make people stop, and love again

There's lots of things, that I don't know..
For love isn't always a picture show...
I don't understand, the hand of fate
Yet, for you I know, I'll always wait

I'll wait until your tongue will say..
Beyond the roses, you will stay..
And these words of affection, they will bring..
The birth of our the spring..

written by Susan Jane Kahon
March 25 2003 6:44pm

Recovered: Jan. 24th, 2024
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