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Sung By Kid Rock And Sheryl Crow
Susan's Poetry In Motion
The unlikely duo of Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock singing a romantic song was kind of foreign to me at first, but I really love the story behind the song. If you really listen to it, the story is great.Please enjoy the poem and the graphics.
"In My Imagination"
From The Poetry Collection Of Susan J. Kahon
Sleepless nights, watching you dream away in sorrow
Hoping you will love me and miss me come tomorrow
Photographic images,passing through my mind
Of one so warm, so kind

I take a mental picture of you holding my hand
Then I think I'll try to make you understand
That I want you..crave you, need you ..near
So much, the thoughts can bring on unexpected tears..

Falling asleep to the sound of your voice
Wondering why, you always were my choice
Unravelling, when your breath came my way...
Feeling you so intensely, it coloured my day

Pictures of us, dancing... kissing each other's cheek
Holding close our bodies, until you make me weak
Smelling the rose, you placed upon my chest
Remembering the sacred place you last caressed

Your hands stroke my hair, and push one strand away
How lucky I am, to have your love today
You live with me, in the space in between
Hot flesh..and warmth, and feelings never seen

Sensational pictures, now coming into view
Images in shadows, all turning into you..
A blessed kiss, the most wonderful sensation
All these in my imagination

In My Imagination

written by Susan Jane Kahon
February 16 2003

Recovered: Jan. 1st, 2024
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