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"I'll Remember You"
Susan's Poetry In Motion
Sung By Fer from Holland
Image"Shhh" used with permission from Sweet dreams Digital
"I'll Remember You" is sung by Fer Graafland from Rotterdam Holland
This is a beautiful song of remembered love.Please enjoy the song and the beautiful graphic by Sweet, and my poem.
"Remembering You"
From the poetry collection of Susan Kahon
Remembering you each day
Is likened much to heaven's touch
Because your memories are what I live for
I love you oh, so very much

Remembering..such sweet memories
Like the sound of the nightbird's call
Like the wind whispering in the trees
Remembering your touch, most of all

Remembering..oh my love
All the warm and wondrous nights
All the moments you were here
How you sent our love to soaring heights

Remembering the good times
And forgetting times when things were sad..
We always said we'd love forever
I remember all the love we've ever had

Boundless memories..
And remembering is sometime bittersweet
But my darling, you remember..too
Our special love , made us complete

Remembering the love of one so dear
Who left me breathless;moved my heart..
Our love will join other loves unseen
Even though we're far apart

May this Christmas and the New Year find
new beginnings for everyone.

written by Susan Jane Kahon
revised Dec.5 2002
God Bless You!!!

Recovered: Jan. 14th, 2024
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Image "Shhhh!! used with permission from Sweet Dreams
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