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"Sentimental Me"
This soft and lovely song for lovers, so appropriately named "Sentinental Me" sung here by the late, great Elvis Presley. The song was written by Jimmy Cassin and Jim Morehead, an ASCAP song, recorded March 13, 1961.
It seems so long ago Elvis left us, and these precious songs live on and on, there is no music like his songs..left as a legacy to us, his fans....Please enjoy the graphics, song, and poem for this evening. God Bless You All tonight.
Love's Manifestation
From The Poetry Collection Of Susan J. Kahon
The beauty in your eyes..more than God's paintings, in the sky
Does manifest itself at sunset...
In a glow of red and amber hue..
The fading sun reflects your beauty, deep
Such loveable!!!!!!!

You're always maintaining  a lovely smile..
A way for everyone to truly know..
That our love transcends all space and time
Ever sustaining my hungry heart
Beauty in poetry...words..and rhyme..
Does capture your sweet and savored glow!!!

And my quivers like the falling leaf..
Each time I recall the times we've shared
A sweet, silent remembrance of who you are..
An ever changing seasonal prayer..
Brought to life by heaven's brightest star..

Sentimental fool for love that I am..
One day will come and our hands will unite..
And our lips will be kissing each other goodnight
Sentimental fool that I claim to be
My rainbow displays the passion I feel
And my heart patiently...

written by Susan Jane Kahon
July 12. 2004

Recovered: August 21, 2024
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