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"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen"
Sung By Elvis Presley
Susan's Poetry In Motion Index
This is an old Irish love song...reminds me of the old fashioned kind of love we all need today...and beautifully done by Elvis Presley.
Please also enjoy the Irish graphics and the love poem.
"Take Me Home With You"
From The Poetry Collection of Susan J. Kahon
Take me home to be with you..
For without you, there's no home at all..
Without you, a house is just a shell..
Just rooms, with many empty walls

I've reached my heart to friendship's end..
Now, I need..much more from you..
I need a love, locked deep inside
But then, this..., I think you always knew...

Whenever we touch our souls together..
The mounting desire, increases..
I patiently wait, and you come to me
Giving me long and sweet releases...

Oh my love, that part of you sings..
A soulmate to soulmate song..
All the lyrics tenderly written
Rolling from your sweet tongue

Your rhythm, it flows, a mystical dance..
Touching me in soft places, tonight
My Darling, I'm messaging love to you
And from my whole heart, I do write..

Oh, take me home to be with you..
So we can know, what harmony brings...
Bind me with our hearts forever entwined
And attach me to your own heartstrings.

written by Susan J. Kahon
March 11 2003
Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Recovered: Feb. 21st, 2024
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