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Sung By Elvis Presley
Susan's Poetry In Motion
Special Effects By Susan Kahon
Elvis Lives!!!! How could anyone doubt it. He did die, of course, but he lives, the once and future King. The Elvis that lives changed all of our lives, from the time, maybe, when Ed Sullivan introduced him, at age 21, to millions on TV saying, "I don't know what he does, but he drives everybody crazy." The Elvis that lives gave away Cadillacs and once spent $16,000 dollars to fly to Denver on his private jet to get peanut butter sandwiches. The Elvis who lives changed America. He didn't invent rock and roll, but he helped, mingling in his music rhythm and blues, with country and gospel. "Love Me Tender" he asked. And millions of us did, and still do. Elvis lives!!! Please enjoy my graphics edited with Paint Shop Pro and the poem for today. God Bless You All. Web design by Susan Kahon.
"Silkened Pleasure"
From The Poetry Collection Of Susan Jane Kahon
All through the darkness
Your face becomes the light
I've come to know you well
You'll stay with me tonight

My friend, yet my love
Your mysterious ways abound me
My love is black and white
Yet your colors now surround me

Each night, the door is opened
And your love, it speaks aloud
I take in your stolen fears
For the man I love is proud

Now it's time to turn to you
For my senses are awakened
This night of silkened pleasure
Is where my heart will be taken

written January 31 , 2004
By Susan J. Kahon
Recovered: Oct. 19th, 2023
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Susan's Poetry In Motion
Elvis, Elvis Presley, and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.
Your lips were made for kisses so tender
I'm almost in love, tonight
When we are close, my heart says surrender
I'm almost in love tonight
And here, under the spell of evening
I long to hold you tight
Heaven is near, why think of tomorrow
I'm almost in love, tonight
It may just be the spell of evening
I long to hold you tight
Heaven is near, why think of tomorrow
I'm almost in love, tonight