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"Hold My Hand"
Sung By Don Cornell
Susan's Poetry In Motion
"Hold My Hand" is sung  by singer Don Cornell. Don still performs, and he has a rich voice. This was.. and still is, a gorgeous song of love...
Please enjoy.
" I Give you The Gift Of My Soul"
From The Poetry Collcection Of Susan Jane Kahon
I give love to you with the touch of my hand
Softly..I seek out your skin..
Gently my hand moves to your lips
As I feel you start,to give in...

Remove all armor from the past years
Wrap yourself only in my velvet flesh
I give you the gift of my own soul
My heart, and whatever's left...

Tear loose the garments of destiny..
Stand naked in my open arms
Surround me with sacred pieces of you
Surrender, to love's secret charms

Kiss my lips, and my worried brow
Run your fingers through my silken hair
Unbind me with your touch of gold..
I want to feel your touch, everywhere..

I know we are weary at times, it seems
But your demeanor is strong and clear
Unleash the burdens of the past
Remove that steel garment of fear

And then..let me love you fiercely
Move me to your warm, waiting bed..
Then let us explode in the colors of love
In shades of red

written by Susan Jane Kahon
May 16 2003

Recovered: Dec. 25th, 2023
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A special thank you to Don for the song file.
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