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"When I Dream, I Dream Of you"
Susan's Poetry In Motion
Sung By Crystal Gayle
This is a very beautiful song ,a tender love song..intended for the tender soul. Especially mine. I love this version by Crystal Gayle.Please enjoy Sweet's lovely image along with my own poem of love and tenderness.
"Capturing Your Love"
Image used with permission from Sweet Dreams
From the poetry collection of Susan Jane Kahon
The darkness and the cold,
It vanished from the land
The day I found you, darling..
And held your loving hand

From that moment,on...
My heart, it blazed with light
A bit of darkness left my soul
Because of your delight

With that light, a fire rose
And cleared the dreary skies..
The sky appeared in shades of blue
To match your lovely eyes

I saw your eyes grow warmer, then..
And you fell into a hush
You brushed your lips on mine
Your face a tinted blush

I often dream of what could be...
And I'll journey many miles
To capture all the love I can
From your laughter and your smiles

You tiptoe into my heart
You breathe warmth into my chest
The icy cold melts in the earth
And in my dreams... you rest

written by Susan Jane Kahon
December 12 2001
Recovered: Sept. 17th, 2023
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Image.."Blue Lady"....used with permission from Sweet Dreams
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