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"All Or Nothing At All"
Sung By Cher
Susan's Poetry In Motion
This is a cool song by Cher called "All or Nothing At All".The graphics are about Cher and the poem is about a love that is all..not a half way love, but a whole love..a complete love.
Susan J. Kahon
"The First Time..."
From The Poetry Collection Of Susan J. Kahon
It was the first time, I've seen your eyes of blue...
So everything about you was totally brand new...
I wrapped my arms around you, trying to flirt
With the rustle of my dress, against your cotton shirt

Tangled in confusion,I denied the feelings in my heart
Knowing that I've loved you, always from the start
At that moment, nothing mattered, than this..
As you turned toward me, hungry for my kiss..

The power of you gripped me, and your lips tasted like wine
And everything about you was so totally fine
You asked me questions, your eyes searched my face
Time stood still..and my heart began to race...

Your loving hands touched my the sunlight of day
I tried to answer, but your eyes just looked away
Maybe it was shyness?Or a moment of your pride?
Then you looked at me with your eyes open wide..

I felt so shy, and so afraid to ask for more
Because I had never known you, ever before
Your domination owned me, it was then that I knew
That I wanted to, and be with you

The world dropped away, in the moment of your touch
Never had I guessed that I'd love you this much
You pierced my heart, with joy and ecstacy
I was meant for you, and..., you were meant for me...

With trembling hands..I made sweet love to you..
And the sun and the stars all disappeared from view..
The rubbing of two souls, together..made us one
Darling, I'm so glad, that our love has just begun

written by Susan J. Kahon
Jan 2 2003
ICU 4:08 pm

Recovered: Sept. 17th, 2023
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Susan's Poetry In Motion
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