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"So Many Ways"
Sung By Brook Benton
Susan's Poetry In
"So Many Ways" Is sung by Brook Benton..This is a marvelous love song, telling of love in so many ways...from the heart, to the thoughts, to the actions...
Please enjoy the lovely graphics and poetry also.
Thanks Ms. Wonderland for the graphics
The song is from my Brook Benton collection..
"A Lifetime Love"
From The Poetry collection of Susan Jane Kahon
Loving you so far away
At night I say a little prayer
I always want you safe and warm
You need to know I'm always there

Loving you so far away
Not knowing where, or when...
I'll ever get to hold you tight
And we'll make love, again

Loving you so far away
Is that part of me that misses you
But our love brings the distance close
Because I know you love me, too..

Loving you so far away
Yet sometimes, you seem so clear
When I can call your face to mind
Every part of you, seems near...

Loving you so far away
Yet our connections we can really feel
My lips will always seek your own
And bond our love, as strong as steel

Loving you so far away
But so statisfying in all ways
This is a caring, lifetime love
A union that will always stay...

Loving you so far away
I'll always let true feelings show
My lifetime love is with you, now
I just thought you'd like to know

written by Susan Jane Kahon
July 4 2003
ICYU 8:32pm
God Bless You...

Recovered: Dec. 2nd, 2023
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