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"True Love"
Susan's Poetry In Motion
"True Love" sung by Bing Crosby and Grace Kelley
"The One Love I've Chosen For My Own..."
"True Love"...a oldies standard sung By Bing Crosby and Grace Kelley.Please enjoy this old, yet beautiful song. This is the original recording..
From The Poetry Collection of Susan Jane Kahon
I'm shaking off my dusty old heart
To tell you, and you alone..
That you're the true love of my life
The one love I've chosen for my own

Although this love in my pure heart..lives on
I can't empty out... this sweet love for you
That's why I feel I cry out in vain..
For you know that this lost love holds true

And if in my life, your love passes me by
Even if you never, again call out my name
I know that my heart has been given to you
And given to you without shame

I look at the ocean in summer....
And I hear the crackling of thunder's hot raves
I've never felt more magnificent, then....
With the pounding of passion's deep waves

When you gave your first kiss to me
Wild horses couldn't have kept me away...
I had to start my life all over again
For it had blown all my past lives away

I succumbed to the feelings you gave me
The illusions were fleeting and wild
My first true love forever
You were my sweet flower child heart and my passion..
Will flow free and faithful, and true
Through all of life's trials, we will stay bound
I've eternally, fallen for you

My True Love, My One Love..

Written by Susan Jane Kahon
Nov.2 2002
9:02 pm

Recovered: Jan. 3rd, 2024
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Disclaimer:No profit is made from this website.
The music on this webiste is purely for entertainment purposes only.Titles are copyrighted to the respective artists and writers.Please support them by buying their cds...and albums.
Floaters and scrollling bars and special effects are courtesy of Sue Kelley
Susan's Poetry In Motion
E Mail
Thanks For All the prayers sent my way after my car accident. Anyone wishing to pray with me, as I would love this,please e mail me and let me know.I love you all.God Bless You.